Sunday, March 2, 2008


The sign out front on our sales counter reads: "Today's matinee performance of Cabaret is SOLD OUT!"

Patron 1: Is today's performance sold out?

Anastasia: (no, you moron, we don't want anyone to come so we've said it's sold out to keep paying customers away!) Yes, it is sold out.

Patron 1: OK, thank you.

*time passes*

Patron 2: Is today's performance sold out?

Anastasia: (Does anyone know how to read anymore?) Yes, it is sold out.

Patron 2: OK, thank you.

This went on all afternoon...the sign could blink and people would still ask.

For today's performance, we took a waiting list. We have a few seats held for "in case of emergency" situations like broken chairs, mobility issues, etc. that we release 15 minutes prior to show time along with any returned seats we get from patrons. After we sold the emergency seats, people kept hanging out. I spoke up to let them know we'd given out our last seats and there were no more. The show was about to start.

Patron 1: Is there a time where you will give up the unclaimed will call seats?

Anastasia: No, sir, we cannot do that. Those seats are paid for already and in effect those patrons own those seats.

Patron 1 huffs like an impatient child.

(Hey buddy, how would you like it if those were your seats and you were stuck in traffic but we gave them up because you weren't here?? Get over it!)

Patron 2 (annoyed and twitchy): I didn't know you had to buy your seats ahead of time. I thought you could just walk up and get them.

Anastasia: Usually we have seats available for our shows, but this one sold out.

Patron 2: Well, you should advertise that better. I didn't know you had to purchase ahead of time. And I didn't know that it was assigned seating.

Anastasia: (well, now you know. Don't take it out on me because you're not prepared. Plays sell out all the time. It's a fact of life!) Yes, all of our shows are reserved seating.

Patron 2 huffs out of the lobby.

Plan ahead people!!! Plan ahead! And don't shoot the messenger!

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