Thursday, February 28, 2008

All in the timing

Patron (calls on a Thursday): Hello, I'd like seats to Sunday's performance, please.

Anastasia: Sure thing. Let me see what we have... It looks like we have about 15 seats left.

Patron: Oh...are any of them down close.

Anastasia: (Yes, of course. Everyone decided that being as far away from the stage as possible was awesome and left all of the front center seats for you sorry saps who call three days before the show. No, crazy lady, they're in the back of the house. What do you think?) No, ma'am, they're on the last two rows.

Patron: Oh, dear. That's so high.

Anastasia: (indeed). I understand.

Patron: Well, I guess I'll have to pass this time.

She really was sweet, but seriously?

On a side note, who the hell comes to a play without at least the smallest of inkling of what a production is about?? And what hole does one have to live in to not realize that a show like Cabaret is...dare I say...risque and suggestive? So we had complaints at intermission tonight. I'm sorry, but aside from the love story between Sally and Cliff and the elderly couple, the show reflects the political spectrum of Germany immediately before the Nazis come to power. It's gonna be controversial. And it's called Cabaret...what did you think, a cabaret was a Disney cartoon??? Don't bitch at me because you didn't have the forethought to ask what you were buying. And by the way, get over it, ya big prude!


Marjie/Bridey said...

You are a fantastic writter.

BTW....who does not know what Cabaret is about? What rock have they been living under?

Anastasia said...

Wow, thanks Royalty!!