Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Hippie love

While working one of those crunchy granola shows (Allman Brothers I think), I had a guy come up to the window who looked like he hadn't seen the inside of a shower in, oh, about a month. He was dressed like he had time-travelled from Woodstock '69 onto our doorstep. He wanted a lawn ticket for the show, which was $22.

Hippie: Hey man...howzit goin'?

Anastasia: Fine...and how are you today?

Hippie: Man, I am awesome, man. It's an awesome day, man.

Anastasia: (I have a line dude, what do you need?!) What can I get for you today?

Hippie: Oh man, I this show is gonna be so awesome, man. Are you goin'?

Anastasia: No, I don't think so (I can get my contact high elsewhere. Granola music is not my scene).

Hippie: Oh man, you gotta go! It's gonna be so awesome!

Anastasia: Yes, we've established that. Where would you like to sit?

Hippie: Oh, yeah! Um, lawn? How much is it (proceeds to pull out crumpled wad of ones)

Anastasia: It's $22.

Hippie: Ok...lemme see...1, 2, 3...(counts his mess of money)...oh man...I only have $19.50...can I get, like, a discount man?

Anastasia: No, I'm sorry. Our system is only set up to take exact amounts

Hippie: Aw man...anyone got a couple bucks I can have man?

Friendly patron: Sure dude, here $2

Friendly patron 2: I got $2 as well.

Hippie: Man, thanks man! You're cool dudes, man! Awesome!!

Anastasia: Here you go.

Hippie: Thanks man, you have an awesome day man!

Anastasia: You too, dude. ;-)

Hippies...they take care of one another...

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