Saturday, January 26, 2008

Friends in low places

Another gem from the inside window of the amphitheatre.

Anastasia: Yes, ma'am, how may I help you?

Annoyed Patron: Ugh, yes. The person sitting in front of me is wearing a huge cowboy hat and I can't see. Can you make him take it off?

Anastasia: (OK, freak, you're at a Brooks and Dunn concert. People wear cowboy hats...) I'm sorry ma'am, did you ask him to remove it?

AP: No...but it's really blocking my view (pouts).

Anastasia: (Grow a spine and talk to the guy. It's a freakin' country music concert. Most of the people here are wearing cowboy hats. Didn't you kind of figure...??) I'm sorry ma'am but we don't have any control over the apparel of the concert-goers. As long as he's not hurting anyone there is nothing we can do. You are welcome to talk to him, but we cannot make him remove his hat.

AP: Fine, I'll see if a security guard can help me. Thanks for nothing!!

Save me from the idiots, please!

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