Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Scenes from my predecessor

We'll call my predecessor Jelly. She really had this happen to her. She told me the story herself.

Patron 1 storms into box office (note to self: always lock box office door, esp. during a show). Patron 1 gets in Jelly's face and is rip roaring mad.

Patron 1: This is preposterous. The man next to me is being loud and inconsiderate. He's laughing at the most serious point of the performance! I can't believe you let this person in here!

Jelly: I'm so sorry, sir, but there's nothing I can do about it. (Long story short) this patron has Tourettes and it makes him emote the opposite emotion at the time. He cannot help it.

Patron 1: Well, I am a doctor in this town and this is just unacceptable. I want him moved away from my seats for the rest of the season!

Jelly (to herself): What a jackass. You'd think a doctor would be more understanding. You sir, are a dick. Be gone, before someone drops a house on you as well!

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